“We looked at each other and sort of laughed. Really? To bring a new car home we had to correctly fill out so many forms and pass muster on a bunch of online cross-checks. Now we go home with this apparently perfect baby and they let us, like it’s all just fine? hmm. Let’s get Marty.”
What Now?
Postpartum & Newborn Support
Amazing job! You did it! and do you know what? You’re perfectly equipped to help your baby ease into life and navigate new experiences. And do you know what else? Suddenly being a parent is going to blow your mind. The center of your universe physically shifts. And, hormones really wreak havoc in your brain and body. It’s like nothing you could ever imagine. As joyful as it is for you, it can feel like a lot. It’s perfectly reasonable to call on On Point to walk this part of the path with you and let you hunker down for a little rest. Give you a little time and space to adjust. You’ve just given up a load of autonomy. Let yourself have some quiet time, some repose. Let someone else cook or fold the laundry while you sleep and process. Give yourself peace of mind while you quietly fall in love and bond with your baby. What’s important will get done. Your On Point postpartum doula is an experienced professional and knows just how to pitch in and support you once you and your baby are home.
We take care of other things so you can nurture the bond.
Your On Point postpartum doula meets with you before the baby is born to understand your priorities and share some early preparatory steps, talks you through the puerperium changes your body will go through in your “fourth trimester.” As you settle in with your new baby in the first couple of days home, your doula starts visiting with you, provides you individualized support, and an opportunity for 1:1 sharing for you to talk about how you’re feeling and doing during each visit. Your OP doula provides you non-medical expertise, resources, and recommendations. Whether you have a single baby or multiples, our support includes an array of aspects and events in baby care, postpartum recovery, feeding, and sleep—precious sleep. You need physical rest and recovery, and we support you so you can get it.
Your On Point Postpartum Doula Looks After You
Sometimes your OP doula pops a load of laundry into the dryer or brings you a light snack and something to hydrate yourself. We’re here to assist you in figuring out the perfect plan that fits the needs of you and your family. We’re here so you can ease into a new rhythm and gain the rest you need and the confidence you deserve.
We spend several hours in a stretch with you by day, and stay all night with your new little family member. That way, you can fall into deep restorative sleep between feedings and feel ready for the new day.
Occasionally, things can become rough…
Your On Point postpartum doula is carefully trained to sense when things are becoming so overwhelming for you that you just may need some specialized help. With On Point, you won’t be isolated. Postpartum hormones may present an array of natural mood disorders that affect some new parents in unexpected or unique ways. When this happens in you, it’s not about you as a new parent or human. You just need support. Your OP postpartum doula will support you all the way and, when needed, connect you with outstanding caregivers we know and work with, keeping you and your baby safe and supported while you adjust.
Pregnancy loss and postpartum for many is filled with grief, self-doubt, uncertainty, and pressures. Your On Point postpartum doula is experienced with miscarriage, stillbirth, the medical procedures you may have gone through in pregnancy loss, and some of the feelings you may be going through. We provide physical and emotional coping support for you in the grieving process, talk with you about topics you decide you want education or support in, affirm all your feelings, provide safe space for whatever extended period of time you need, help you make a plan to get through the transition, and refer additional support for you whenever you might want or need it.
Rest Up
After couple of weeks or months you’ve learned a lot with your On Point postpartum doula being on your team…and hours in your initial Postpartum package might be drawing to a close. When you really still just need to sleep through a few more nights and clear your brain fog, four nights a week one of our On Point postpartum doulas will continue our signature postpartum support. Rest up. Four nights for as many weeks as you choose.